Feel Alive & Inspired
Welcome to Inspiráh!
Celebrating women with inspiring and mindful art products.
At Inspiráh, we believe…
. . . in the beauty and power of women aged 50 and beyond.
We honor this sacred stage of life, marked by significant changes in the mind, body, and soul of a woman.
We celebrate the remarkable metamorphosis that reveals her rich authenticity.
We value her deep wisdom and presence which are essential to the world.
To us, she is not only a woman, she is a WOWman!
Our carefully curated art products are designed to complement the self-care rituals that nourish and inspire her wellbeing and sense of joy.
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The Artist
As a 50+ woman, creative soul, animal advocate, Earth child, family girl, and soul sister to my inner circle of friends, I have grown to love this season of life. Being a 50+ woman can be difficult with its host of new reckonings, yet it feels holy and deeply personal. It has revealed a sense-of-self and aliveness unlike the first 50 years of my life. It has given me greater clarity, courage, and compassion, along with a dose of humble appreciation for each new day of life that I’m given on Earth to live fully and authentically.
Color, texture and design are a bit of an obsession for me. Vibrant colors influence my artistic choices and I attribute that to my beautiful Latino heritage. Nature, animals, and culture are a few of my many sources of inspiration. I believe we are all creative beings with a natural and compelling need to create and express from the inside out.
I am so happy you are here.

giving back

We LOVE horses (and all animals) and we love to give to causes near and dear to our hearts. Inspiráh donates a portion of sales to Horse Plus Humane Society, a non-profit organization whose commitment is to creating a compassionate world by rescuing sheltering, and protecting horses.


I love my mandala art! It’s a perfect little gem for my desk and it brings a smile to my face. It also gives me a subtle reminder to take a breath when I’m feeling stressed at work. I love this artist!

Sacreah’s artwork is very alive. Her appreciation for color and the energy she puts into her creation, imbues the work with a presence that makes it feel vital and alive. I recommend her work to anyone who wants to bring new life into their living space.

Thank you for these perfectly sized, cup-of-tea mugs! Your happy designs brighten my spirits! -Elizabeth

I absolutely love the beautiful artistic design and the colors on my coffee cup! Sacreah has an amazing flare for color and design.