As we enter mid-Winter (yes, we still have two more months of this season 😉), I am reminded of my very first experience with Winter’s frost in the Pacific Northwest. Ice on the ground, on the stairs to my home, and on the windshield of my car were all too UNfamiliar. I had never seen thick frost and ice covering the environment before.
There I stood, an LA girl new to the PNW and I had no idea how to navigate all of the above. In fact, I thought pouring hot water to melt the ice on my windshield was a great idea. Fortunately, a friend stopped me in my tracks, chuckled at my naivete, and handed me an ice scraper. Yes, I needed a lesson on how to use it. Quickly, I learned to give myself an additional 10-15 minutes on frosty mornings to scrape ice from the windows of my car!
Since that first frosty morning 25 years ago, I have learned so much about seasons and have grown to understand and deeply appreciate them, especially Winter. Some might wonder why the heck I am fond of Winter? It’s simple. This season allows us to embrace the spirit of more than any other season: more being and less doing. Wildlife and the natural world demonstrates these lessons gracefully. We are called to lean into moments of quiet, introspection and dreaming, and to rest our body and mind.
“Winter is a time of rest, reflection, and renewal.” -Author Unknown
Slow is good. Slow is productive.
We all have unique personalities, needs, and our own pace for how we move through our lives. Some people have an inner pace that causes them to focus on the big picture and move fast to accomplish a lot in a short time. And they are happy doing so. Others prefer to take a slower pace through life and notice the details without rushing the journey. And they are happy doing so. Our pace, energy, and rhythms reflect our individual nature.
When I tune into my body and mind at this time of year, I feel the need for less multitasking, less time in crowds, and more spaciousness in my calendar. It’s weird, but the more I tune in the more I find this to be true. Fortunately, I’m still able to get enough accomplished in my personal and business life. While it’s not a season to avoid my life, it’s a time for intentional alignment. I’m doing less with more intention.
Ah, a bit of quiet time to introspect!
Living in the countryside has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. I have come to intimately know the natural world through the micro ecosystem of my land and surroundings. What I find during winter is that all of Mother Nature’s babes are nestled in the earth, making scant appearances for a midday snack. Birds, coyotes, deer, livestock, and insects reserve their energy for basic necessities. It is necessary for their survival. There are fewer people outdoors doing chores with loud equipment, like lawn mowers, chain saws, and tractors. It’s the season of quiet, and at night, silence. This makes introspection easier. I may light a candle and sit with a crystal in my hand to reveal what’s on my mind. Sometimes, new ideas come to me, or a past wound that needs more healing. Other times, I might journal or create art. Quiet is medicine. It can give us awareness and connection with our inner world. In a loud modern world, quiet is priceless.
What’s a girl gotta do to get a little rest around here?!
I believe the world needs more rest. Most of us do not give ourselves enough rest, as we all have unreasonably long task lists and we are bombarded with external stimulation that exceeds our capacity to process. Artificial light, electronic devices, and excessive thinking robs us of the rest we desperately need. The art of rest and the art of relaxation continues to recede into the distance with our 21st century way of life. Most people I know (including me) are rest and/or sleep deprived and struggle with the ability to calm their nervous system. There is a steady stream of stimuli that keeps the nervous system overactivated.
However, I make it a point before rising in the morning and/or retiring for the day to commune with the presence of quiet and nothingness, and I find moments of rest in these pauses. Often, I crave a break during transitional times of the day, morning to afternoon and afternoon to evening. Sometimes, I will sit on my porch and look at the landscape, noticing nuances in the light, clouds, and ambient sounds. Other times, I will sit at my meditation altar and select one of my oracle card decks and pull a card to read. Yet other times, I will lay on the floor with my puppy and gently stroke his back in hopes of releasing tensions he’s stored up from rigorous play. I also love to listen to music in the evening with dim light, and do nothing else but listen to the essence of a song. All of these ways are how I give myself rest outside of sleeping hours.
“I finally got eight hours of sleep. It took me three days but whatever. -Author Unknown
I wish I could say that I have great sleeping habits, but at the present I don’t. I go to bed late, and often I am on the computer until I go to bed. I don’t give myself the 8-9 hours of sleep that my body needs. There is a good habit that serves me- I do not take electronics to bed. It is a clear boundary that I keep. In fact, I shut down all electronics before bed. It works for me and I know my body likes it this way. It’s my desire to improve my sleep hygiene this year. 🙌 For now, my focus is to not develop new bad habits, and to build micro rest and relaxation practices that increase rest and better sleep.
Winter is the beautiful season that gives us all of these reminders. It invites us to slow down, introspect, and rest. Winter is truly a sacred time of the year. As much as modern cultural norms influence us to resist and reject these invitations, we must remember that these lessons and invitations are purposeful. Besides, Spring will arrive soon enough!🌷So catch those extra zzzzz’s while you can. Wishing you all the goodness Winter offers.
What are your feelings about Winter? What do you find challenging or inspiring about it? I would love to hear you thoughts about this special season.
Mateo and I send you big doses of inspiration!💫